Sunday, September 19, 2010

My week in pictures

This is how I spend the majority of my week! Nothing too exciting but I still wanted to share!
Holt is 2, almost 3, and he is going to be Nemo for Halloween. His costume showed up Monday and he was so excited! Who wouldn't give candy to this sweet face?

I finally met little Miss Emily. My friend, Amanda, and I had lunch on Tuesday and caught up on life while Emily slept. Thank goodness she woke up in time for me to hold her!

Carpool. If you are not a parent or a nanny then you may not understand but look at the next picture....

Holt hates waiting in the line as much as I do!

Wednesday night Cameron and I finally saw The Bounty Hunter and I was so disappointed. That's all I have to say.

One of our dogs, Belle. She sleeps like this every day on the couch....spoiled and a little lazy!

How weird do the clouds look? This was Thursday morning. It's actually kind of cool!

Locke does not really like to take pictures. He'd rather be silly! We had a picnic at the park on Friday!

My giant sweet tea. Yum!

Sometimes they get along and it's really nice but then 5 minutes later they hate each pictures of that but trust me, it happens!

Me and my boys! I love my job!

Me and Locke!

Me and Holt!

Then after a great Friday, I got stuck in the worst traffic I've been seen in a long time. It already takes me and hour to get home and it took me over 2! Ugh!!!

Had to work saturday for a few hours and we spent time at Toy's R Us playing with trains!!

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