After much debate we decided to do it... To petition all city and county parks and rec. to install at least 1 handicap playground in the community. We are going to begin to do this nation wide eventually. I am spreading the word that it is unfair for my child, your child, or any handicap child to not have the option to play at the park.
My daughter is 5 years old and sadly has only played at the park a handful of times. Due to her muscle deterioration she is not able to climb on the equipment at a standard playground. So sadly we tell her "NO" because the risk of injury is way to great. She lacks the muscles in her neck and joints and if she were to fall in jsut the wrong way she could be more critical than she is now.
I have e-blasted this all over the web. I have added it to facebook, cafemom, and even her website. All it takes is one person to make a difference. Please help Caileigh be that person.